Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Human Sexuality--What Role DOES the Church Have With This?

I realize that I said I would continue the discussion of the Buddha's teaching of "No-Self," or "An-Atman" on the last post, but I felt it was important to post something my wife and I have been discussing the last few days and solicit your feedback.

My wife is in a Graduate Program for her M.T.S. in Atlanta, and is currently enrolled in a course concerning human sexuality and the [Catholic] Church. At this moment she is presenting her paper to her class, and it covers some topics I find intensely interesting.

She and her groups raised some questions, and I wanted your thoughts concerning them.

1. The covenant relationship between God and His people Israel and later Jesus and his church is used as an analogy for the marriage relationship. How is this helpful and not so helpful to our understanding of marriage.

2. The church's teachings on sexuality in marriage has evolved over centuries. Initial the church "tolerated" sex in order to achieve the continuity of the species. After Vatican II the church see sexual relations in marriage in a positive light. Given this history is the church a credible voice on human sexuality?

3. In Genesis we were told to be fruitful and multiply. You could argue we have done so and further multiplication of humans erodes the stability of mankind. Should the current status of the world population have any impact on the church's teachings on sexuality?

4. The three stated purposes of marriage and sexuality are the good of the spouse, and the procreation and education of children. What are the benefits and downfalls of each of these as a stated purpose of marriage?

5. One of the purposes of marriage and sexuality is education of children. What sort of education does this entail? What "lessons" are to be taught through the parental marriage and sexuality?

6. If we are to be open to new life, and natural family planning could be effective at the expense of union of the spouses and their children, what is the balance between financial practicality and introducing artificial contraception into a sacramental and committed marriage? In other words, if a married couple with children is not able to spiritually and logistically make natural family planning work for their family, is it appropriate for them to solely focus on the education of their children and the fulfillment of each other? Could these two purposes of marriage outweigh the purpose regarding procreation?

7. What role, if any, should the government (public schools), the Church, and parents have in the sex education of children?

8. In the past, the Church has allowed the government to oversee marriage. What role, if any, should the modern-day government have establishing and promoting its image of the “ideal” family?

9. Given the fact that popular culture is clearly at odds with the teachings of the Church regarding human sexuality and the family, what, if anything, should the Church do to combat this?

Alright, they say that "sex sells." I am looking forward to some titillating discussions! Let the fireworks roll!